Kauhale Kai has now spent over 4 years traveling the world . This year we passed 50,000 ocean miles, a distance of almost twice around the center of the earth! She has offered us a million small moments of adventure, laughter, excitement and satisfaction.

Each person who has spent time with us aboard has been a big part of that experience. I once said, "If I ever make it big I'm going to buy a big boat and invite all my friends to come and play with me." Well, play we have. Thank you....all of you who have been a part of this experience. The journey continues!!

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Pentecost Island, Vanuatu

A typical, local native boy.

The highest jumper wearing only his straw "penis sheath"

The amazing "land diving" where men jump from a 75 foot tower made from tree branches and vines as a ceremonial gesture to insure a well fertilized crop! (the original bungy jumpers!)

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