Kauhale Kai has now spent over 4 years traveling the world . This year we passed 50,000 ocean miles, a distance of almost twice around the center of the earth! She has offered us a million small moments of adventure, laughter, excitement and satisfaction.

Each person who has spent time with us aboard has been a big part of that experience. I once said, "If I ever make it big I'm going to buy a big boat and invite all my friends to come and play with me." Well, play we have. Thank you....all of you who have been a part of this experience. The journey continues!!

Sunday, September 9, 2007

Week Two: No Parents...

Benny, Al, Carrie, Ali, Kellie Roche, Deanna and I had another fabulous week on Kauhale Kai as she made her way once more out of the Dubrovnik harbor and headed north towards Zadar. We stopped at the Krka National Park, where we spent a day hiking amongst beautiful waterfalls, anchored in some picturesque bays, had lots of dance parties, and late night swimming sessions. We could hardly contain ourselves!

At Krka National Park

At the bar:

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